
Dear Henry

My son passed away Sept. 29th, 2018.  Norm from Curran Funeral Home in Leechburg, PA showed us your beautiful work of placing a loved one’s ashes in glass forever. Well of course, I loved what I saw. I ordered a Pendant for myself and my son’s best friend. We got them back this week and they are Stunning!!! They both look like a celestial galaxy and they are both unique and extremely dear to us!!!!  You may never know the full impact of how special your pieces of art with our loved one’s ashes, and how comforting it is to have our loved one with us.

God has blessed you with a beautiful talent and gifted hands. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making such a beautiful piece of art in remembrance of my son. I have enclosed his picture so you can see him.

God Bless and Thank you,

Christine Knepshield